Industrial Engineering

Special Issue

Intelligent Optimization of High Energy Consumption Processes

  • Submission Deadline: 1 August 2024
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Heng Zhou
About This Special Issue
Operation optimization of high energy consumption production process in continuous industry is an important technical means to achieve energy saving and emission reduction, as well as quality rising and efficiency improvement. However, the complexity of continuous industry creates many difficulties in operation optimization of high energy consumption production process. For example, the complicated physical and chemical reactions, the large lag from distribution to tapping, the lack of detection means and the strong coupling of process index parameters in blast furnace, which seriously restrict the modeling and prediction of key process quality index and process operation optimization; In the high energy consumption process of papermaking and pulping, the multi-source heterogeneous data problem caused by multi-stage pulping creates difficulties for in-time operation optimization; In addition, there are some problems in the continuous industry, such as information island, decentralized management, difficult to solidify and share operation knowledge. It is necessary to build an industrial cloud platform to realize the software component and sharing reuse of operation optimization knowledge in high energy consumption production processes.
The primary goal of this special issue is to bring together researchers, scholars, and engineers to share their knowledge, experiences and research on the intelligent optimization of high energy consumption processes.

The specific focus of the issue will include but not limited to:

  1. • Multi-objective optimization algorithms
  2. • Fault diagnosis
  3. • Intelligent modeling
  4. • Data mining techniques for industrial big data
  5. • Operation optimization methods
  6. • High energy consumption analysis
  7. • Applications of machine learning in industries
  8. • Cloud computing platform for industrial process
Types of articles welcomed: Original research articles, review articles, case studies, etc.
Through this special issue, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in industrial optimization. We welcome researchers from various disciplines to provide interdisciplinary perspectives on modeling, controlling, and optimizing for industrial processes. Your contributions will play a crucial role in advancing knowledge in this field.
Lead Guest Editor
  • Heng Zhou

    Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, United States

Guest Editors
  • Yue Yu

    Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, United States

  • Zhenyu Wang

    Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, United States

  • Lingze Wei

    Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, United States

  • Xiongzhuo Zhu

    College of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

  • Junfang Li

    Industry Solution R&D Section One, Alibaba Cloud Computing Co. Ltd., Hangzhou, China

  • Xiaoke Huang

    College of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China